

Residencies at The Little Barn are for periods of two to  six weeks in which an artist can focus on their work. They are particularly aimed at women who are on low incomes, or perhaps even no income and who ordinarily would not be able to afford such an opportunity.  Due to my own experiences as a mature student, I am very keen to give the space to women over 40 or who have had a break in their career due to caring for children or other family members. HOWEVER, I must stress that The Little Barn is not just for women... So please do not be put off by the previous statements. I have male Doc Phot friends who are also VERY WELCOME at TLB. In fact, the first Artist in Residence was Gareth Phillips!

In the future I hope that grants or donations (from the retreat guests) will enable me to provide bursaries to artists so that some of their travel costs and living costs back home would be covered while they stayed at The Little Barn. The plan is to also form an Association, so that the whole project can achieve some sort of charitable/tax back status, but this is not a quick process.  

For the first couple of years, priority will be given to individuals that I know. In the future, once I am a bit more experienced  about running a not-for-profit and it has been set up as a legal entity, the residency programme will be more open.  Please understand that I am not starting a business - I am opening up my home to artists and creatives and it has to work for everyone.

You can contact me via to find out more, or to request a stay.

Thank you to Gareth for his photograph of the set up in the gallery space.  All of the technical equipment is Gareth's. The barn is tech-free. There is no Wifi (but you can pick up 4G). In the future, I hope to raise funds to buy a colour balancing screen, scanner etc, but at the moment the priority is to get a woodburner installed so that people can stay when it gets cooler.